I hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter weekend. I did!!
A teeny, weeny holiday resort on the West Coast of Sunny South Africa called Strandfontein. (STRAND = beach; FONTEIN = fountain). I grew up round there and spend most of my vacations at Strandfontein having FUN, FUN, FUN. Now, being all grown-up, I still go there to enjoy the sunshine, tranquility and rest.
But, let my show you what I did while being there, sitting in the sun and sipping ice cold West Coast Sauvignon Blanc - a planner page.
Normally when we go away I don't take a lot of scrapping goodies with but I have this mini tin with basic supplies that always jumps on board. Maybe I should share my magic tin ........................... let's see how my office work evolves this week and maybe you're in for a magic tin treat .................. ?????
So, I got SO excited when I was gifted a sticky note pad!!
And a peek inside:
I couldn't help it - just had to give it a go and as my planner always travel with, I got planning / crafting.
Here is what I did while at the beach house:
And when I got home, I added a few bits and bobs from my scrap stash. I really wanted to add a bit of the lace that was tied around my sticky note pad but my sewing machine stays at home and therefore I had to sew that on afterwards. I love it then little bits of the past peeks out of my planner.
A close-up of my cherished lace:
No Baker's Twine at the beach house - ordinary will do!
And for those of you who think I don't use the pages of my planner for planning .......................... I'll be showing a "before and after" of my next planner page in another post. I do my planning and only THEN do I finish my page with bits and bobs of embellishments. Normally I use sticky notes to double op my writing space as I have an A6 planner - fits into my handbag but writing space is not enough for me.
That's it. My sticky note planner page!! Thanks for looking at my blog and please check back as I have loads more to share right here on Play as U GO. In the meantime, have FUN and remember to try something new - TODAY!