Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Girly Layout

Good morning Bloglanders

If I look at my blog stats, I can't help but notice that you don't like layouts. Maybe you just don't like mine BUT I love them and as my albums are very important to me, I'm sharing a layout today.

Normally I don't buy a lot of girly papers as my life is surrounded by men and they are allergic to pink. I'm not a huge fan of pink either but I've got a pink toothbrush, towels and suitcase as this means that nobody will even think of touching my stuff.

In one of my previous posts I've shared my sentiments about my 20-year-old cat, Tossel (pom pom in English).  She does everything I do.  From the pictures you can see that we both sleep a lot.  Funny enough, all these pictures were taken on different occasions and when I was looking for pics of her to scrap, they worked perfectly together. I also love the grey and pink color scheme of my layout.

That's it from me. I'm off for a walk in the park and then I'll be back in the office to get my admin up to date.

Have a great day and please come back to play.

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